
Resampler.php is simple wrapper for native PHP GD image functions, with some extra features. Resampler is intended for resizing images, and I'm not planning to add drawing methods directly. But anyone can extend library, as all properties and functions are public or protected.

Why another library? What is so special?

  • Resampler is only for resampling and will not contain drawing methods.
  • Counting memory usage to avoid Fatal error caused by allocating too much memory.
  • Support resize, crop, rectangle and rotate methods. Especially rectangle is missing in many other libraries.
  • Using cascade pattern / method chaining.
  • Support JPEG, PNG and GIF images. Decision is automatical based on file suffix.

Installation and requirements

Library can be installed from Packagist and loaded with Composer, which is preferred way. Alternatively can be installed manually and loaded with autoload.php file.

Put this line into your composer.json file

"resampler/resampler": "~1.0"

or execute following command

composer require resampler/resampler

Manually can be library loaded with including autoload.php file:

// Update to fit your path to resampler folder
include 'resampler/autoload.php'

Requirements and support

Library requires:

  • PHP >= 5.4
  • GD extension

Library also works with PHP 7.

Code examples

Basic usage of Resampler.php


Chaining example - resize and rectangle

Image is loaded and resized to fit maximum size 300 x 220 px and saved. The same image is inserted into rectangle with size 350 x 250 px and background color. Image inside is resized up due to parameter FORCE_SIZE_TYPE_SCALE_UP. See more in API documentation.

                            Chaining example


Multiple output images and different saving methods

Image is loaded and background color is set. On highlighted lines (6, 11) last parametr is true. This change behavior and returns new instance of Resampler. Original $img is not changed by following chained methods, and can be used repeatedly.

Saving here also shows different methods of saving. Name, or suffix, is added if missing. If path is empty, original image is replaced.

                            Multiple outputs example


Print image as base64

It is possible to prevent sending headers by last parametr. Then it is possible to "catch" data with output buffer and encode to base64. Other methods can be used to obtain mime type and image size.


HTML output:

                            Base64 output example

